Heather Gonzalez

“I consider my life’s (heart) work to be rooted in anti-racism education and action with goals to dismantle oppressive and inequitable systems.”

Heather Gonzalez currently serves as a Director for the Mutual Assistance Network. With over ten years of servitude within the greater Sacramento area, Heather has demonstrated an unwavering resolve to call out and function with urgency to address the need to instill organizational and institutional equity. She considers her life’s work to be rooted in anti-racism education and action with goals to dismantle oppressive and inequitable systems. Her targeted efforts over the years can be summarized as functioning as an organizational leader and a co-conspirator, aligned in values of anti-racism and social justice to bridge systemic gaps within organizations and institutions that have specifically and historically marginalized and under-served communities of color. Outside of her professional focus in the field of Child Abuse and Neglect prevention and family support services, Heather has specialized concentrations in the practice of Harm Reduction, Substance Abuse, and Addictions Treatment.